About Us

All our founders are tired of tribalism in the centre and left of politics. They have each campaigned and voted for Labour, Lib Dem and Green in the past, according to which one had the greatest chance of victory. If you live in this constituency, please sign up to support and take part in the Primary. Or you can contribute to our crowdfunder here.
Please email with any questions using our email addresses below, or at  hello@midbucksprimary.org
Angela bailey
"I have worked in the NHS for 25 years and I see every day how hard things are for the people, with the cost of living crisis and high energy bills.

The current government seem to have no plan for the important issues, like health, climate change, sewage in rivers and child poverty. I have never campaigned for any political party and have voted Labour, Green and Lib Dem in different places and at different times.

Like many people, I am fed up with the corruption and lack of accountability not to mention the failure to notice or care about how tough things are for a lot of people after 14 years of austerity policies.

The idea of a political primary appeals to me as a positive way to link up with others who are keen to see a change of government and a change of direction on the issues that matter. "
"Having worked as a teacher and a tax inspector, of all things, I am now a house husband. I have lived in Princes Risborough for over 25 years, and I have usually voted tactically. But, like many tactical voters, I never felt that my voice was heard - the progressive vote was split across too many parties.

I decided to help organise a Primary in the new Mid Buckinghamshire constituency because our politics needs a reboot. Some people don’t vote; some vote but don't feel heard; and most people see no reason to get involved in politics. Meanwhile, our last few governments have been the worst of my lifetime - failing on the economy, public services and the environment. Things need to change.

What inspired me about this movement is its potential to reduce the number of ‘safe seats’. The more we work together before we go to the polling station, the louder our voices become. I hope that, by getting more people involved, making more votes matter, and driving democracy from the bottom up, we can take some power back from the central offices of our political parties. Let’s do this together."
"I manage recruitment for an investment research company. Prior to that I spent 13 years in marketing, plus as a stint teaching English as a foreign language. I was a parent governor at Princes Risborough Primary School for 4.5 years, giving me an insight into the challenges facing our state schools and our community.

The current government isn’t prioritising improvements in the areas that I feel are essential for a healthier and more equal society, such as education, health and the environment. I’m not a member of any political party and have voted Labour and Liberal Democrat in the past. I am excited by the opportunity for change in our new Mid Bucks constituency at the next general election.

I am involved with Mid Bucks Primary because I think there are many people who want change and this is a way to achieve it. This is democracy in action!"