BUILD SUPPORT          VOTE          UNITE          WIN

The Mid Buckinghamshire Primary provides local people the chance to choose for themselves the best candidate to defeat the Conservatives in Mid Buckinghamshire.

South Devon have used the Primary approach successfully and others have followed.
We are building on their success.

Together we will take the guesswork out of tactical voting.

Once all parties have candidates, and the manifestos have been published, we'll attend hustings, write emails, ask questions on the street. We'll get answers to the questions important to us in MidBucks and publish the resulting Q&A.

On 24 June 2024 our vote to select the People's Champion chose Anja Schaefer, the Liberal Democrat candidate. With your help, we'll get behind her to give Mid Buckinghamshire an MP whose values align with the majority of constituents.

With the vote counted and announced we will mobilise our community in spreading the reason to vote for our chosen People's Champion.

Then we all get behind the People's Champion

We have so many shared values. Even if the People's Champion isn't from your favourite party, we ask everyone to get behind them, and help them to victory.