Predictions for Mid Buckinghamshire

The three main 'poll aggregators' predict the Conservatives will win here at next general election on around 35% of the vote. We have reproduced that information below. As you can see, they differ quite a bit on their predicted shares for Labour, Lib Dem and Green.

It seems to us that polls that give a lot of weight to the 2019 election results will show the Liberal Democrats in a strong postion, whereas polls that give a lot of weight to the latest national polls will show Labour in a strong position.

It is because of this confusing and often conflicting information that people react so positively to the idea of the primary and its aim of uniting us behind one progressive candidate - the People's Champion.

Latest predictions for Mid Bucks from leading pollsters as of 24th June 2024

Links to the polls below:
- Election Maps UK - link
- Electoral Calculus - link
- UKPollingReport - link